
Yes! 14,476 people didn’t listen to us

Our campaign for the Danish Business Authority was a success. People didn't listen!
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Together with the Danish Business Authority, we have developed the ‘klik ikke her’ (‘don’t click here’) campaign that aims to strengthen IT security in SMBs through good advice and a downloadable IT kit.

And judging from the performance numbers, the campaign was a success.

The campaign includes a number of sponsored posts on Facebook and LinkedIn that lead relevant traffic to the campaign site.

The combination of easily recognizable messages and target audience specific advertisements, resulted in 955,000 impressions on social media and 14,476 click-throughs. And these numbers have pleased the Danish Business Authority.

“With this campaign, we are closer to our goal of increasing attention to IT security in small and medium-sized businesses,” says Lotte Hviid Melsen, Team Lead at the Danish Business Authority. “The campaign’s creative hook has been crucial as ‘don’t click here’ entices people’s curiosity – while making them hesitate and think before clicking their mouse.”