On a busy working day, it can occasionally happen that someone clicks on the one link that was slightly suspicious. Or sends an account number to the wrong person. And forgets to update their hacker-friendly password.
‘Do Not Click Here’ with the Danish Business Authority
With the ambition of strengthening the IT security of small and medium businesses, Pravda collaborated with the Danish Business Authority to develop the campaign ‘Do Not Click Here’.
The name of the campaign says it all. We want people to hesitate and think before they click on links. We want to empower people’s digital behaviour patterns.
We are doing this by replacing finger-wagging communication with engaging, humorous and easily understandable communication, which makes the need for IT security tangible.
On the campaign site klikikkeher.dk you can find a range of materials (in Danish) in the IT kit that you can download and share with your colleagues. It includes posters with the campaign’s three effective pieces of advice concerning better IT security and a pdf presentation on the topic. Furthermore, we have developed a number of films — one of which you can see below.