
A transition to greatness

Learn how to make the most of a major brand transition — strategically and tactically.
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Mergers and acquisitions can make or break a brand. It’s one of the most vulnerable times for any brand. In fact, if you aren’t careful, years of hard work can quickly go down the drain.

So, you have to be smart about it. Something we have discussed in detail before in our aptly named article ‘How to not butcher your brands during Mergers & Acquisitions’.

Less typing, more talking
If you’re not reading type (kudos for sticking around for this bit), we have a treat for you. We got Nudging Expert Sille Krukow to give insights into the most common three barriers when implementing a new strategy into everyday business. Absolutely essential advice if you want your strategy to work.

Sille runs Krukow Behavioral Design. It’s an international nudge and behavioral design agency that optimizes worker and customer behavior towards greener, healthier, and safer everyday life with improved business results.