Many B2B companies are in a state of sedation. Management lacks the courage to shape and conquer a unique and differentiated position in the market. Paradoxically, this is where the fight for the minds of the customers must be won – and where you can measure the quality of your efforts on the bottom line.
One of the biggest headaches for any company is how to successfully stand out among the competition. A recognizable brand with clear values is exactly what determines whether customers prefer one brand to another. But strangely, a large part of the B2B landscape has surrendered and backed out of the fight.
Do you recognize classic B2B values like emphatic, proactive, present, and strong-minded? Well, that’s because they are symptomatic of the problem. They are all fine adjectives but you can apply them to 80% of B2B companies – and they reveal absolutely nothing about the company’s distinctive characteristics.
And without defining characteristics, how will customers think of you when they are ready to buy?
You get what you put in
The issue arises because way too many B2B companies lack the courage to individualize and be different. To stand out and take a stance that the others won’t. As a result, the companies that dare to exhibit the courage to differentiate will be in a much stronger position in the fight for customer awareness.
So, what does it require to take control of how your customers perceive your B2B brand – and not least, to set the course to gain a stronger position in the market?
Brand positioning is about focus. About setting the direction. And about taking careful aim. Naturally, this involves deciding against a lot of things and often, this is the greatest barrier. Many executives are afraid of excluding parts of their market by adopting a clearer position; but you can never be everything to everyone – if you try, you end up with an unclear profile that is so wide it loses its impact.
However, if you have the guts to adopt a clear position, the advantages are obvious: you will gain greater relevance for your target audience, clearer differentiation in the market, and increased brand awareness – and in turn, improved sales promotion. You see, your customers will attribute new value to your brand and this will allow you to compete on parameters other than price alone.