
How do you react in tough times?

Mette Hejl talks to Markedsføring about keeping your (B2B) eye on the prize.
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Crisis talks are dominating boardroom meeting agendas and news media headlines. High inflation, low consumer trust, and an unstable energy sector are topping the lists of most businesses’ risk assessment plans.

And while no one can predict the outcome — everyone can prepare.

In a new article for Markedsføring, our CEO, Mette Hejl, shares her take on how to handle brand management and sales initiatives in this volatile time.

Far too often, panic erupts and results in short-term sales initiatives — a faulty approach considering only about 5% of your customers are in the market for your services at any given time.

So, start preparing with a view toward the long-term — and ensure that your brand comes out on top when calmer winds blow again.