Every year, Danish market research institute MyResearch publishes the MyImage report, which ranks Danish agencies across digital, media, and advertising agencies.
The MyImage 2020 report concludes that Pravda has the most satisfied customers in the industry within the advertising category. Yippee!
Now hold on. It’s time for the numbers:
The industry average shows that across 863 marketing executives, 39% of respondents are ‘very satisfied’ and similarly, 39% state that they are ‘satisfied’ with their agency.
In comparison, 71% of Pravda’s customers are ‘very satisfied’ and 21% are ‘satisfied’ – resulting in a satisfaction level of a whopping 92%.
Not too shabby!
Of course, we’re really happy about this as customer satisfaction pretty much sums up the whole customer experience.
A big, warm thank you to all our customers, who put their brands in our hands. (Bonus points for rhyming). You’ve spoken and we won’t let you down.
On a side note, we also scored a record high for our creative and strategic abilities. High fives all around!
Now, feel free to get in touch if you want to learn more about what we do and how we work with our clients. We can’t wait to hear from you!