Why Pravda?
Because we
get B2B.

You can trust your brand in our hands to become richer, more attractive or more confident. But first and foremost, you should do it because we know you.

Home of Business Brands®

You see, we know both sides. The lack of faith. The budget cuts. The never-ending sales cycle. The silos. The complexity. The hustle and the humdrum. But we also know the sublime potential. The new generation of ideas. The beauty of the niche. The gain for those who dare. And the wins, oh the sweet wins.

Home of Business Brands®
At Pravda, you will meet a team of top-shelf advisors, strategists, wordsmiths, designers, and filmmakers.

Here, you can’t choose between strong advice and great ideas. You get both. We are born in Denmark and raised in the international B2B marketplace. And we are proud to be the Home of Business Brands®.

Leading Nordic B2B brand agency
We want to lead the new wave of ambitious, bold B2B brands who recognize the power of strategic creativity to drive business transitions.

We build and bring B2B brands to life with strategic positioning and award-winning creativity.

From brand positioning to activation
With strategic flair and creative fire, we take on a holistic approach to brand building.

From strategy and positioning to brand identity, activation, campaigning, and production of core brand assets.

Services and successes

Core competencies
  • Corporate branding
  • Employer branding – Go to page
  • Sustainability branding
  • Brand film production
Awards and shortlists
  • Red Dot Design Award / 10x winner
  • German Design Award / 2x winner
  • German Brand Award / 1x winner
  • Golden Award of Montreux / 1x finalist
  • Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards / 2x finalist
  • The Drum Award B2B / 1x shortlist
  • Creative Circle Award / 1x shortlist
  • MyImage Customer Satisfaction / #2 2021, #1 2020

Pravda in numbers

Founded in
Awards and shortlists
AAA years

Our Brand Journey



We kick-start the brand process with a workshop.



We gather data about your culture, customers, and competitors.


Brand Base

We identify your optimum positioning based on the findings.



We create your new corporate brand concept and identity.



We bring your new corporate brand to life.

Corporate Branding

Here is a text about how we create brands. We believe that marketing is like asking someone out on a date. Equal in price, function and quality, the better looking will outsell the other.

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Employer branding

Here is a text about how we create brands. We believe that marketing is like asking someone out on a date. Equal in price, function and quality, the better looking will outsell the other.

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Film production

Here is a text about how we create brands. We believe that marketing is like asking someone out on a date. Equal in price, function and quality, the better looking will outsell the other.

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Here is a text about how we create brands. We believe that marketing is like asking someone out on a date. Equal in price, function and quality, the better looking will outsell the other.

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Our awards and shortlists through the years.

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